Our photos are professionally printed by a local family-owned business based on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia.
Print Options
Print Only - Prints are unframed which gives you the freedom to choose the framing that suits your budget and style the best. All prints are printed on Smooth Pearl 310gsm paper. We have chosen this paper as it produces images with superb clarity, high sharpness and excellent colours. In a nutshell it produces prints with the true look and feel of a photograph.
Acrylic Prints - professionally printed on a premium-quality metallic paper and mounted behind a crystal clear acrylic panel. It is then attached with a backing and made ready-to-hang.
Our gallery-grade Acrylic Prints are absolutely superb because they are:
CRYSTAL CLEAR - we use 3mm ultra-clear, high-quality acrylic. Acrylic is a product trusted by art connoisseurs and gallery owners. It greatly affects the luminosity of colours and gives the print a very impressive brilliance.
STUNNING & SHATTER-PROOF - the sheer beauty of acrylic print just cannot be denied. The crystal clear brilliance of the acrylic enhances the image, thus making it really pop. Our acrylic print is lighter and more shatter-proof than the conventional frame and glass.

Our photos are offered in four different sizes - Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.
The prints have been sized specifically to fit with universal and readily available framing sizes, making it possible to purchase
a frame directly from your local framing or design shop.
Small - Editions of 50
Perfect for your computer desk, office space, countertop or even your bathroom
Medium - Editions of 25
A great size to put in a collection of 2 or 3 images in a hallway, living room or bedroom to have a cohesive space

Large - Editions of 15
Large options are best paired together in themes of subject or tonality. Bedrooms, living areas, office spaces, above the fire place or dining room are
perfect for this size
Extra large - Editions of 10
The conversation piece. These are massive prints and combined with a custom frame, these will be sure to make a statement in any home or office. Best for large open spaces with large negative space on a wall.

A Note On Exposure
A printed image will nearly always look darker than what you see on a computer or mobile device, regardless of what it is printed on. The screens we use to view images will always be brighter due to the backlighting. This is accounted for during my editing process, thought you should still be aware that a print will be darker than seen on screen.